Saturday, June 13, 2009


A couple weeks ago, Jon and Drew went on a 4-day camping/canoeing trip down the Delaware River. They figured out that they canoed a total of 45 miles!!! I was pretty impressed to hear that! I regret not taking a pic of their canoe before they headed out on the water - it was packed full of stuff sacks, camping and fishing gear, and water jugs! They had an awesome time, but man, did they REEK when they arrived home. Oh, and I had the privilege of driving them up to their starting point (way passed Port Jervis) at 6AM AND drove Jon's Jeep home ALL. BY. MYSELF. I survived the 1.5 hour drive back in a stick-shift car during rush hour traffic on a somewhat one-lane highway...and the Jeep survived as well. No scratches, dings or burnt-out clutches :)

1 comment:

KristaLee said...

Looks like fun!
One summer, way back when, my Dad took my sister and I almost every weekend we could to canoe most of the Fox River in IL. Mom would drop us off where we had left off the previous trip and pick us up where ever we called her from. It was awesome!
I wish we had kept track of how far we canoed that summer.