Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am not a barber...we already discussed this...

So, I've had a pretty traumatic experience with cutting muffin's hair. It just might have resulted in yelling and screaming and "Never again..." and I'm totally okay with that. Today, after numerous reminders to go get a haircut, Muffin BEGS me to help him buzz his hair. I said no. I explained my fear...reminded him of our last experience...still begged for help.

He then explains that he's too cheap to shell out $20. I finally agreed after thinking about all the money that we're shelling out to Home Depot at the moment.

We start...I'm feeling pretty good - confident, not cocky....slow and steady...listening to directions...using the correct blades...and then...DOOM. "Okay, now do the hairs just above my ears. Hold it on an angle (he then demonstrates by holding the blade horizontally). Be careful - my mom ALWAYS used to cut me." No pressure, right? Just cake.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!" That is when I exited the bathroom and refused to go any further. I told you so.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gettin' this show on the road...

Installing a sump pump is definitely on my top 10 list of back-breaking labor. Here is a sneak peek at the very long, very dirty process:

FYI - Jon was the photographer, so that's why he's not in any of the pics. I was out gallivanting the whole weekend, practically forbidden to step foot inside the house. Oh, my life is so rough...
