Wednesday, April 15, 2009

With Child...

Okay, Okay...I am waaayyyy behind on an update. It's been very busy 2009 in the Andersen household so far. Jon (along with his crew) has finished the sump pump and trench installation. Boy, was that the dirtiest, messiest job on the earth! Glad to be done with that, especially since I wasn't able to live at my house for 2 long weekends.

Which brings me to my next point. I am currently 16.5 weeks pregnant! We are very excited to meet our little peanut in September and are in the process of researching all the baby paraphernalia! Jon is currently waiting for the 2009 edition of Consumer Reports Baby Products to ship in order decide on which carseat, stroller, etc... we're going to look into. I am SOOO excited, I've been dreaming about this for as long as I can remember and can't wait to take long walks down the streets of Bay Head in the summer months with the baby!

This is ultrasound pic of Baby Andersen at 12.5 weeks.

Oh I forgot to mention that everybody and their sister is pregnant, as well! Three of my cousins, 2 friends, and 1 coworker all due within a month of each other. There must be something in the water...

A couple weeks ago, it randomly started hailing outside. Jon was freaking out because it was hitting his Jeep (God forbid!) but there was nothing we could do about it. It was the scariest hail I've ever seen and so late in the season - we're talkin' March 29. It lasted an hour and I swear Jon was pacing THE. WHOLE. TIME. I have to admit, I was humored by it all, it's like we switched roles because I'm usually the high-strung one! Here's a pic of the monster-sized hail:

Stay tuned we have our big ultrasound on May 14th and we'll find out if we'll be buying pink or blue! The countdown is on - less than a month. Yippee!

1 comment:

Kristy Vitcusky said...

I can't wait to find out what you're having! Enjoy the ultrasound - it is really a fun experience!