Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunt 2008

Okay, so I understand this isn't an exciting event for most people, but I've been waiting for November 30th for 3 months! I've had it on the calendar since September and reminded Jon every week since then. We were pretty disappointed when we listened to the weather report the night before - pouring rain. all. day. long. BOO. Fortunately, the weather did NOT stop us.

We were determined to get our tree and enjoy it for the WHOLE month of December. Last year, because we moved into our house, we bought a Charlie Brown tree at Home Depot and had it up for...maybe 2 weeks. Disappointing. We've decided to make this a tradition! We'll post a final pic of the tree when we finish decorating it.

Sunday also marked 1 year since we closed on the house! We cannot believe that we've been here for a whole year, it seems like only a few months!

1 comment:

Bek said...

Are you kidding? Christmas tree hunting is my favorite thing of the year - we go the day after Thanksgiving and I can hardly wait!

You picked a very lovely tree :)