Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's August?! Already???

I simply can't believe it, peeps! The summer is coming to a close. It's August. Let's recap the last few weeks...

We had the privilege of having dinner at Bonnie and Chris' new house in Long Valley. They own a beautiful home on 4.5 acres right on the Raritan River.

Ella showing us her "be-bo"

The guys debating who's taller...again.

Ella being her cute self.

Jon finished installing Sirius in my car.

We also had a chance to have dinner at Mom and Dad A's when Jenn, Paul, and Chloe were around before their Maine vaca. We had an AWESOME dinner (Thanks, Mom!) and had a fun time watching Ella wig-out after overloading on M&Ms. Dad A. decided to pull the "Give me a kiss and I'll give you an M&M" trick. He couldn't resist her kisses!

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